Sunday, 1 June 2014

What's in a name?

Holy crap it downloaded XD I had to leave my computer on all night, but i now have Wildstar on my computer and i made my first character ^_^ I would show you a picture but i'll be damned if i know how.
Looks aside however she's a female Cassian Spellslinger soldier called Lyghtning. Now when creating a character (and i spent a crazy amount of time getting her features just right lol) I feel there should be some warning text when it comes to naming your character. After trying out several names for her only to find they were already taken my sister jokingly told me to call her Harry Styles. You know, after the One Direction singer. Thankfully i didn't as i found out that when you input a name that isn't taken, the game starts. I would really hate to be walking around with a female bad ass spellslinger named after a boyband member. Sorry about that Harry.
So instead i got Lyghtning. Named after the kick ass hero for Final Fantasy XIII and the rather shoddy sequels that came after but those are a whole other rant on a whole other blog of mine. Rather aptly though, my characters name has given me a name for this blog. Rather than just call it 'Archer plays wildstar' it is now 'Playing with Lyghtning' after the song by the Wanted - Lightning. I know right, another boyband XD But seriously, since naming her that song is perma-stuck in my head.
So here we have it folks. Playing with Lyghtning...LETS DO THIS!!!!!!

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