Monday, 23 June 2014

Servers down *cries* so about yesterday

Ok so as the servers are down for maintenance right now, what better time than to update on Lyghtning's current adventures.

So yesterday was pretty much me exploring Wilderrun from the awesome cat amazon women (who's queen I shall not name for fear of spoilers but I thought it was awesome :)) to the Lopp having issues with the Osun next door. I love the jungle environment. It's literally beautiful and some of the badguys are brill. The crocodiles down near the Everpool are nasty little critters but are so cool while they kill you lol XD

I also caught sight of these guys wandering around. They kind of look like squirrels but with wings and I watched them eat from the giant glowy ball thing which caused them to puff up like balloons. If you imagine the scene from Shrek where Shrek and Fiona turn a frog and a snake into balloon animals you've pretty much got the idea. Anyway said little squirrels floated up into the air. And that was that, until I was up in the trees later on and saw the little puff balls floating around and going over to each other. That right there is some impressive thinking from the Dev's. It doesn't impact the game at all and is barely noticeable, but noticing it made me appreciate even more how much work has gone into this game.

Kudos Carbine. Kudos.

Got another message from my favourite ghosty lady as well. Drusera came back for a visit, only this time she didn't kill me twice.

Instead she took me to some creepy ass lab that was corrupted with the Strain. Seriously, the whole place was freaky as. Totally reminded me of the Nemesis ride at Alton Towers. In fact that is exactly what i was thinking of while fighting off hordes of strain mutations. See those eyes, the little eyes on everything.....THEY MOVED!!!

And here are a few shots of Lyghtnings 4th outfit :) Look, more yellow than blue. I got such a lovely yellow dye from a random box that I had to use it somewhere. Still couldn't get rid of the pink though. It has become her colour lol XD

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