Saturday, 21 June 2014


Hey, guess what? Remember that weird creepy ghost lady I found in Biodome 4 and I literally had no idea who or what she was? Now i know :) She's called Drusera and for spoiler reasons I'll be good and not say what she is.

After hitting level 35 I got a comm call about some portal in Illium (which, FYI, still kicks me out after about a minute or so of being there but hey ho) So I jump into the portal and get taken to some Eldan lab where Drusera appears, tells me her name and I proceed to follow her round. It was quite a cool section and really pulled me into the lore of this world. My issue with this area came at the very end when you have to jump into a teleporter...and I had a brief glimpse of Lyghtning falling, then my screen went black, I heard her die and the ghosty sounds that appear when you're dead, and my screen remained black with the words 'you've fallen into infinite darkness' or words

to that effect. For five minutes until I revived. Not going to lie, I was confused as the teleporter was the only way to progress. So I tried again...and died again.

So I checked the internet and no one had ANYTHiNG about this area except that you met Drusera there and could find some datacubes. I mean what? Give me something. So I tried a third time and actually progressed though I did nothing different. I don't know if you have to die or what at that point, but yeah.

Then after this part is over you have one hell of a fiery inferno to run through XD

She's not that tall....she just floats

See :)

See...inferno...and a dead Lyghtning.

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