Saturday, 26 July 2014

Random questing

Not so much random as in rather just charging about. I did get a lot of quests done in Blighthaven, but with me not knowing whether the ones I have left are group ones or not, I don't really want to risk doing anymore there.

Though I will admit, Drusera's tree is lovely when you aren't getting ripped apart by strain creatures. I especially liked the datacube from Drusera herself. It's a nice touch to know what she herself was thinking back when she had just been created.

Though I have to ask, what is with the weird cooking quest back in the nearby village? I mean i'm used to odd quests by now, but this was just really, really random. I mean i talk to a guy with a mark over his head and he wants me to get some steaks for him. Easy enough just kill some mobs. Then suddenly I have to cook them and there's this whole weird scene with judges talking about cooking. The whole thing just struck me as totally odd and rather rushed in there. Like they wanted some lighthearted quest here and this was the best they could come up with. Though why no voice acting? One of my biggest bugs with this game has been the lack of voice acting. Considering this cut away as sort of like a mini cutscene, it was bland to watch given that there was no voices.

All in all just very odd.

Oh and while filling in a gap on my map back in Malgrave, I'm running along when a meteor hits the ground before me and suddenly there are all of these fire monsters about. I'm quite impressed with myself that I took them all out. Especially the giant rock thing that was a elite monster with something like 150,000 hp and little Lyghtning totally smashed him. Very happy victory ^_^

Friday, 25 July 2014

Blighthaven Bugs

So Summer has finally arrived here in the UK and with it my computer is hating me every time I time I turn it on. Still I have been able to get back into things with regards to Wildstar. No last minute cosplays to play at the moment.

So, back to Blighthaven. I don't know whether this is an issue for other players (if it is please do comment and let me know) but Blighthaven seems to have it's fair share of bugs for me. I mean, again I don't know if it is just me, but the latter stages of the game seem to have far more bugs than the earlier stages did.

And they aren't like ground-breaking bugs, or bugs that make the game unplayable for me (like that Biolab in Grimvault did) but they are annoying.

The first one was to do with collecting essence from some floaty blue wisps near the start of Blighthaven (after the holo-deer quest but before Cankertube swamp) Now to do the quest you basically jump into said floating wisps, they explode into blue shiny fog, and then you've collected something. Now the other week I ran around this area for ages doing just that and not getting anywhere with the quest. Today I ran back and it worked first time.

Then I've had the issue where getting new quests isn't bringing up all of the text. See people are contacting me, I can see the options for clicking to accept the quest, but I don't actually have any words there.

This might not be so much of an issue, except that I'm also not being told when quests are group quests. Hence me accepting the quest from my home-girl Drusera to protect her tree and then getting my ass smashed several times over as I realised that this quest is likely a multi-person one. Like I said, it's not game-breaking, but it is annoying. Especially in the case where I have no idea how many people quests need. All other quest text is showing up fine from older quests or new quests that I missed in older areas. It just seems to be the ones in Blighthaven.

I got so much of an ass kicking here

Then I has this issue. Please note that this death scene greeted me when I first logged in. How can I have died before even entering the game???

I did actually have some fun with the quests, it wasn't all doom and gloom, but I'll post about those separately

later on this evening :)

Monday, 21 July 2014

Drusera Cosplay video post didn't happen. There is a reason for that. Mostly because I was having derp issues with Camstudio (i wanted pretty video clips) and secondly because on Friday afternoon I had something of a madcap idea and decided to roll with it.

See I was at the Manchester expo this weekend and on the Friday I thought, 'hmmm, why don't I cosplay as Drusera???' So i grabbed my sewing machine and made a costume that afternoon lol XD I do crazy things like that.

I had to slightly alter it to include a wig as I couldn't get the hood to completely obscure my head like hers does and my facepaint admittedly wasn't great. But as I said, I decided the Friday before to do it.

Know the best part though??? Being Drusera was awesome. I mean I was cosplaying a god. And a damned badass one at that :D Plus people recognised me. Even if I did have to close my eyes for every photo, people recognised me. It made me so freaking happy. And those that didn't but wanted a pic anyway, were awesome because when they asked who I was I got to gush about how awesome a character Drusera is and how brilliant Wildstar is as a game.

I'm not going to lie, I love fangirling about characters I love and I love Drusera. I think for my next project I might have to cosplay as Lyghtning....but which of her costumes to do lol.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

And I'm back :D

Hiatus over. I'm back :D

Not really a post post per se, more along the lines of a I'm here and haven't fallen from the face of the earth. Though I'll admit I haven't played much Wildstar since returning from France. Mostly due to work commitments going on after my usual hours and being oh so sleepy from my week away lol.

But regular posting will commence again this weekend :) Maybe even tomorrow....might even try and do a video entry lol. Now that will be interesting lol.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Week Hiatus

Hey guys, just to update you all that I shall be away till Friday so no new updates to the site until then :)

Gate Crashing Thayd!

I know, I know, I'm a Dommie so what the heck was I doing in Thayd?

The answer to that is, quite simply, while running round Blighthaven, I happened to notice my guild chat asking if anyone wanted to join them on a mission. After realising that my guild (or members of) had managed to get into Thayd and not be killed instantly by the guards, I decided to join them. What then followed was a crazy, mad run through Thayd and, when we died through Galeras, taking part in PvP battles and general silliness. Seriously, not sure what I'd think if a group of about ten Exiles ran into the centre of Illium and started dancing, yet that is what we ended up doing in Thayd. Gotta admit it was a while mess of crazy fun XD Also, Illium > Thayd any day of the week XD

Had a fun charge around Blighthaven too. Only just started in this area, but I'm thankful there's new content already. I can see the dailies becoming very boring very quickly lol.

I did rather enjoy the quest where I got to be a holographic deer complete with hoof sounding deer noises (simple things). Not to mention said holographic deer was called Lightning. It was clearly meant to be XD I also found out that once in the holographic deer form, you could actually go quite far as it. Always more fun to run round as a deer rather than yourself XD

That's pretty much all I did today. Pratting around in Thayd took up a good portion of the day. Totally worth it though. I'm all up for random craziness like that :D


I found it ^_^

Strain Ultra Drop

How the heck do you get to Blighthaven???? Am I missing something obvious??? Is there transport to it or do I need a quest??? Why is this so hard to work out???

Drusera's Statue and off the map

I know, I know, 2 days without a new post. There has been a reason though. See on Friday it was my birthday, and as such I spent Friday and yesterday doing birthday things. So I do have an excuse for not updating.

I also applied to be an Official Wildstar Fansite...but got turned down :/ Apparently I need to have my own domain name and on minimum wage that isn't going to happen. Plus it doesn't really need to happen as blogger suits my needs just fine.

Anywho, back to my gaming...basically I've been running round kicking the asses of creatures that originally caused me issues. My fave was helping a group of level 24-26 players take down the Exile Ravager. Despite being DPS, as the highest level and therefore the one with the most HP I somehow became the tank for the group. It was beautiful to take that sucker down though.

Also casually been running round. I found out that the quests in Crimson Badlands and Northern Waste are things that the other players call 'Dailies' in that they repeat every day so you can farm exp from them. I'm actually quite glad I did find that out as I thought there was a glitch or something. Couldn't understand why I had to repeat quests.

In Grimvault, while filling out my map, I found a rather interesting area called Drusera's Statue (my home girl has a statue) And a rather pleasant area totally off the map. There were no enemies there and I could get from the top of Southern Grimvault all the way to the lab at the top of Western Grimvault without going anywhere near an enemy of evil exploding strain pod thing. In fact it was a rather pleasant journey :)

A wander round Whitevale also turned up a few quests I'd missed out on as well as an Exile camp I found (damn Exiles) and some Eldan ruins underwater. See it's the little things like that, that I'm really loving in this game. There is no way the creators could have thought that someone would go swimming in some water practically of the map, and yet they put some ruins down there. I like random things like that :)

Friday, 4 July 2014

Go Wild, be a Star!!!

This song. Just this song.

I was playing this going to work this morning. I LOVE the video, it's so well done, and the song is awesome. Huge kudos to the guys that did it.

And my favourite bit?

'Descendants of the Eldan race
Gone for a thousand years but now they'll build an army'

Because you all wish you were Cassian too ^_~

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Ding, ding, Level 50 :D

Say Oh YEAH!!!! Dinged level 50 today and travelled to the Northern Wastes. Now i think i need to get Elder gems or something to get the genesis key. Something like that. It's 150 things (whatever the things are i need to get) costume slot :D Awww hell yeah!!!!!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Oh My God, I can play again!

Seriously. I can actually play again. I somehow (like 4-5 hours of somehows) managed to defeat that freaking robot as Drusera and GTFO of that lab. Now in Crimson Badlands where I can actually play again *cries* More info coming tomorrow, but for now know I can play and this fact alone makes me so happy XD

Still unable to play at all

Apparently it's the Bio Lab that is where the issues are occurring for me. The whole thing is just being buggy as hell for me. I've had issues where my entire UI goes bright blue and remains like that until I leave the area or restart the game, my mini map has crashed several times not to mention that floors just vanish. Oh and my favourite, stepping onto a teleporter and dropping into nothing but air until you die.

Getting through took every ounce of my sanity. Once into the Phage labs however, I was actually able to play thankfully. In fact it was all going rather well until I died and got kicked back outside the Bio lab because there are no holo-crypts once you enter. I've been at this part of the game for HOURS now. It's really frustrating. Especially as the new content patch came out today and I can't see anything of it.

See the phage labs was actually really quite cool. I had fun in there and hit level 49. But now this whole issue is just souring the game for me. I've felt like I've been walking on egg shells all day, afraid of doing anything in case it kicks me out again.

Now I'm actually at the end of my rope as the last quest of this area,


After defeating the Entity which, in all honesty was a bit of an anti climax, you don't even fight him, you play as Drusera and have to stop some robot. Well I got kicked out and now I'm back to the game crashing each time I try and get back in. And I have been trying for the last two hours.


The annoying thing is that I'm not the only person to be having these issues. I think they're linked to the memory leak issues other's are reporting. Certainly looking through the forums other people have had similar issues, but support isn't saying anything about them. All I can find from Carbine is that 'It's under investigation'. Well that's brilliant. I have a game here that is literally unplayable. I'm not talking about a bug with seeing people's names, or a dye not working, an item having a stupid drop rate. I'm talking about being unable to access the game. Something from Customer support would be nice here.

So yeah...not happy right now. In fact I'm pretty annoyed by the whole affair. Not to mention a really bad experience with a flower delivery company IRL has just put me in a really bad mood.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

*cries* Why won't you let me play???

Urgh, so I'm once again kicked out of my game :P

I got back in after my earlier issues and promptly teleported from the lab to do some other quests in the area, but obviously I have to return at some point. Went back in, finished off some stuff, but now I'm once again waiting to get back in.

Away from that for the minute, I have to say that this area is damn hard. LOTS of elite mobs in the area and the regular mobs pack a punch. Loads of quests are requesting 5+ groups to do which at the moment I just don't have. Might have to ask my guild for some help with them. I feel this area is rather difficult for your regular player. Maybe it's because I'm spellslinger and they aren't the tankiest role that I'm having issues, but I am dying a LOT.

Not much to report on today aside from my issues with this lab. I'm level 48 and so close to 50 I can taste it. Really wanted to reach it tonight, but this lab doesn't seem to want to let me. I do keep getting calls from my home-girl Drusera about various bits and pieces. And i ran into this little joy.

See the green and red caretaker? One always lies and the other always tells the truth. Ever seen the movie the Labyrinth? Yeah, it's basically that scene with Sarah and the doors, only this was Lyghtning and the consoles that had to be turned on in a certain order from the instructions they give you. The achievement I felt at cracking it was immense. Even if I was ready to punch them both by the end.

Also did a quest to grab some eggs from a ship wreckage and that was an acrobatic feat worthy of cirque du soleil. See that green water? Yeah you go in that you die pretty much. So I had Lyghtning leaping about, using her Wall ability to make jumps I was missing, nearly overshooting some leaps, all to grab some eggs for a blasted Chua.

And in my lab, aside from the crashes, i have the following bugs. See that floating console. See it? I'm supposed to activate that. HOW? It's above me. Even on Rexy I can't reach.

And this happened while I was running. both Lyghtning and Rexy fell into this blue void. We fell for a bit and then died. Fun times to be had in this lab.

Site Layout

So currently I can't access the game at all. I'm in Western Grimvault and I am stuck. I can't log on. Everytime I do the game crashes. It's been laggy on me for about an hour before, but nothing game breaking. Well now i just can't get in. It crashes as it's loading. Thing is though i don't know at this point whether it's something on the servers or on my computer :P

So in the meantime i may update my layout. It's very basic at the moment and i think it needs more Lyghtning on it lol.

Grimvault lives up to it's name

Seriously this place is grim.

The Strain is EVERYWHERE. Like a whole landscape of weird mutant animals and eyes watching me. Literally The Hills have eyes here (to quote a movie title)

But there is work to be done and one of Lyghtning's first tasks here was to drive a tank. Oh hell yeah! I loved it. Those strain nasties didn't know what hit them when I started launching rockets assaults at them!

Awesome section was awesome.

My next task was to raise the morale of the troops. Now i realise that EVERY other player will have to do this task, but I couldn't help but snigger at being told that seeing me would surely raise their spirits. Of course it will. I'm rocking an off the shoulder coat and booty shorts. That combo will probably raise more than just their morale.

Oh and I have to kill these things. Starship Troopers brain bug anyone?

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Drusera and The Caretaker...I'll ship that

Odd right?

Usual fare of this is a Drusera centric post so expect spoilers to the game's story and lore :) I'm level 46 at the time of writing this.

So as I mentioned in my last post, my wonderful pal Drusera called to say she had more to show me. So after wandering round Malgrave, I hopped on over to Illium to visit my new-found god friend.

And I have to say I was somewhat surprised to see Drusera getting rather friendly with The Caretaker. I mean this isn't the first time she's seemed familiar with him, but the last time he was trying to kill me. In fact this time he was trying to kill me, but me being the kind friend I am, reset some of his circuits and suddenly, BAM, he remembers Drusera. He also stopped trying to kill me which was a nice bonus.

So yeah...I can totally ship this. I mean heck, if my sister can ship Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson from One Direction together, I can totally ship this. It needs a ship name though. All ships have names. The aforementioned one goes by the name Larry Stylinson on the great wide internet. I'm going to dub this one Carsera for now. Unless I can come up with something better.

D'awwwww, they remember each other!

Anyway, while they got friendly, I had the job of getting datacubes away from Strain monsters. Found out some really interesting lore too. Turns out the Eldan tried to kill the Entity, otherwise referred to in this blog as, Malevolent Presence or 'huge-ass-scary-monster-thing'. They failed, obviously considering the chat I had with him recently, and he killed them all. That's right, the architects of the universe didn't just vanish, the Entity killed them.

Although I did sort of meet one Eldan, though he's been transformed into a monster by the Strain and tried to kill me. Which he nearly did as when Drusera told me to keep him busy, that resulted in me charging around the room, firing my pistols in any direction and screaming 'I'm going to die' over and over.

I mean she's a god and I'm the one having to keep the humongous monster over there 'busy'. He also called me a pet. I would have loved to have kicked his ass over that, but the aforementioned running and screaming then happened. No ass kicking. 

There is also a really fun mind bendingly frustrating platforming section to this part. I love platform games so I enjoy the parts of the game that take elements of them and incorporate them into this. I just hated the fact I kept missing the damn things and falling back to the bottom.

After my trials were over, Drusera told me that the Entity is kept in the Lightspire she created. Now I'm curious to know whether that is the name of her tall bright tower (aka a light spire) or whether that is what it's called on this server as I'm on the Lightspire server. If anyone knows please do comment and update me :) It's one of those little things that will really bug me otherwise lol.

Now if you don't mind, I've been wandering round Grimvault and as it's dawn here in England and I am slowly watching the sun come up, I think it's time I headed off to bed XD