video post didn't happen. There is a reason for that. Mostly because I was having derp issues with Camstudio (i wanted pretty video clips) and secondly because on Friday afternoon I had something of a madcap idea and decided to roll with it.
See I was at the Manchester expo this weekend and on the Friday I thought, 'hmmm, why don't I cosplay as Drusera???' So i grabbed my sewing machine and made a costume that afternoon lol XD I do crazy things like that.
I had to slightly alter it to include a wig as I couldn't get the hood to completely obscure my head like hers does and my facepaint admittedly wasn't great. But as I said, I decided the Friday before to do it.
Know the best part though??? Being Drusera was awesome. I mean I was cosplaying a god. And a damned badass one at that :D Plus people recognised me. Even if I did have to close my eyes for every photo, people recognised me. It made me so freaking happy. And those that didn't but wanted a pic anyway, were awesome because when they asked who I was I got to gush about how awesome a character Drusera is and how brilliant Wildstar is as a game.
I'm not going to lie, I love fangirling about characters I love and I love Drusera. I think for my next project I might have to cosplay as Lyghtning....but which of her costumes to do lol.
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